BURY THE DEAD - Finborough Theatre
"If I was allowed to give this production six stars I would’.
‘As the military top brass … Malcolm Ward is deeply impressive. I was reminded by Ward’s playing of the General of that great actor Lee J Cobb."
London Pub Theatres

THE VIEW - Arcola Theatre
"This is a moving and gentle two-hander with two beautifully painted characters, through which the playwright delicately negotiates the relationship between the real and the extraordinary. The humour is skilfully placed, the relationship feels honest and the delicate interplay between love and pain is perceptive and poetically explored through the dialogue. The real power of the play is in the more stripped back exchanges between the couple." Papatango

CINDERELLA – King’s Lynn
"Malcolm Ward as Baron Hardup added fun and frolics to the production …" Lynn News
THE NOSE (2 hander) – King’s Head
Production of the Year, Charrington London Fringe Awards
"As the tentative actor turned tormentor Malcolm Ward combines twitching recessiveness with repressed rage – there can be few cleverer short plays in London at the moment." Evening Standard
HOVERING (1-man play) – Edinburgh Festival
New Name of 93, Daily Express
"A genuinely haunting piece of theatre ... at times it is achingly funny, at other times it makes the audience hold its collective breath. A wonderfully human play." Hampshire Chronicle
"A fine play and fine acting." Andover Advertiser
"A wonderfully concentrated performance by Malcolm Ward makes this one special." Today

A SLIGHT ACHE – Vienna & Young Vic; co-director Harold Pinter
"The matchseller heroically played by Malcolm Ward" The Stage
"A statuesque performance from Malcolm Ward" Independent
"The purist Pinter school argues that the play works best on radio where the match-seller seems a figment of the married couple’s imagination. I profoundly disagree. The physical presence of this pitiable relic enhances both the comedy and the anxiety: to see him being patronized by the husband and seduced by the wife gives the play added meaning." Guardian
"Malcolm Ward gives a highly amusing performance as the shallow, self-centred Kenneth …"
The Stage
CINDERELLA – Coventry Belgrade
"High spots of the show come from the bubbly and personable Buttons of Malcolm Ward." Coventry Evening Telegraph
MURDERER – Swan Theatre Worcester
"Malcolm Ward, as the tortured artist, was amusing, pitiful and downright shocking." Gloucester Echo
"Malcolm Ward has a whale of a time in the central role …" Birmingham Post

THE ELEPHANT MAN – Swan Theatre, Worcester
"'Malcolm Ward’s performance as Merrick, the Elephant Man, is stunning – there is no other word for it. His ability to convey Merrick’s sympathy (and at times harshness) with the people around him; his interpretation of Merrick’s shortcomings and is devastating logic, combine in a performance worthy of the highest mention." The Source
"The Elephant Man at the Swan Theatre is one man’s triumph. From the moment Malcolm Ward steps onto the stage, the evening is all his. He becomes John Merrick, the Elephant Man, through a series of grotesque facial and bodily contortions. There is no make-up. It is just acting, pure and simple." The Journal
"The evening is a gentle, unassuming triumph for Malcolm Ward in the central role. In deference to the stage tradition, he plays without recourse to make up. He contorts his face and he twists his body and his speech is a slurping hint of the awesome actuality. The rest is left to our imagination – and imagination could hardly hope for a more solid foundation on which to build. The portrayal, although devoid of sentimentality, is laced with a dry and quirky humour." Birmingham Evening Post
"And most of all Malcolm Ward as the Elephant Man himself; hunched, crippled, sensitive, good-humoured. His emotional span is enormous. It is a triumphal portrayal." Worcester Evening News
"a remarkable performance …" Hereford Times
MARY ROSE - Royal Lyceum Edinburgh
"Malcolm Ward’s rough, but genuinely warm-hearted Harry …" Glasgow Herald
"The build-up of tension was effective in Act 1 with Malcolm Ward as the young soldier revisiting his now desolate childhood home. Again in the Act 3 epilogue where, as the grown-up son, he meets and lays the ghost of his pathetic child-mother, there was poignancy without too much sentiment." Guardian
GODSPELL – Palace Theatre Westcliff
"… a company rich in both comedy and musical talent and led superbly by Malcolm Ward as Jesus." Basildon Recorder
"Malcolm Ward, whose Jesus is close, warm and agreeable." Southend Evening Echo
"Malcolm Ward makes Jesus a beautiful and charming personality in every sense." Thurrock Gazette
"Malcolm Ward looks uncannily like Elvis Presley as Pharaoh and stops the show." Thurrock Gazette
"When Malcolm Ward comes in as the Elvis Presley-style Pharaoh, it’s a touch that puts an extra cap on all the delights that have gone before. His Presley impression is terrific." Southend Standard
CITY SUGAR – Palace Theatre Westcliff
"Malcolm Ward as DJ Lenny Brazil, while playing up to his fans, manages to convey brilliantly his contempt for them and of the rubbish he churns out." Essex Weekly News
REBECCA – Palace Theatre Westcliff
"Malcolm Ward gives a nicely understated performance …" Southend Standard
ONCE A CATHOLIC – Palace Theatre Westcliff
"Malcolm Ward is Derek, the Teddy Boy, as rude as can be and a cad to the tips of his winklepickers …" Southend Evening Echo
THE GINGERBREAD MAN – Civic Theatre Chelmsford
"But it was when the Gingerbread Man himself came on that the children really became involved in the story. He was played with Norman Wisdomish innocence by the charming Malcolm Ward and from the time that he shyly waved to the audience and said hello, he was their hero." Weekly News
"In the title role Malcolm Ward displays excitement and charm which at once gives him a tremendous rapport with the young spectators."
Chelmsford Weekly News
"Malcolm Ward was the eponymous hero and leapt about with high spirits and impressive agility." Essex Chronicle
CINDERELLA – Civic Theatre Chelmsford
"I liked Malcolm McFee and Malcolm Ward as the Broker’s men. Both worked hard, got their laughs and ad libbed outrageously." Essex Chronicle
"A nice line in knockabout comedy." The Stage
"Often the Broker’s Men are a weak spot in Cinderella, but in the hands of the lithe and agile Malcolm McFee and the gormless and gallumping Malcolm Ward, they became one of the highlights – especially in the kung-fu scene." Essex Weekly News